Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Managing and Setting Exchange 2007 Diagnostic Logging Levels

For what ever reason you may have at some point in the life of your server you will need to increase the default logging level.
To start with, if you have come from Exchange 2003 you may be in for a bit of a surprise in that this is not set any where in the GUI. Those of you who have been using Exchange 2007 for a while will probably not be overly surprised by this :)
OK to start with lets have a look at what areas we can change the logging levels and what they are set to initially.
To do this open the EMS and type
Which will produce the following output
Identity                                                             EventLevel
--------                                                             ----------
MSExchange ActiveSync\Requests                                       Lowest   
MSExchange ActiveSync\Configuration                                  Lowest   
MSExchange Antispam\General                                          Lowest   
MSExchange Assistants\Assistants                                     Lowest   
MSExchange Autodiscover\Core                                         Lowest   
MSExchange Autodiscover\Web                                          Lowest   
MSExchange Autodiscover\Provider                                     Lowest   
MSExchange Availability\Availability Service                         Lowest   
MSExchange Availability\Availability Service General                 Lowest   
MSExchange Availability\Availability Service Authentication          Lowest   
MSExchange Availability\Availability Service Authorization           Lowest   
MSExchange Cluster\Move                                              Lowest   
MSExchange Cluster\Upgrade                                           Lowest   
MSExchange Cluster\Action                                            Lowest   
MSExchange Common\General                                            Lowest   
MSExchange Common\Configuration                                      Lowest   
MSExchange Common\Logging                                            Lowest   
MSExchange Extensibility\Transport Address Book                      Lowest   
MSExchange Extensibility\MExRuntime                                  Lowest   
MSExchange EdgeSync\Synchronization                                  Lowest   
MSExchange EdgeSync\Topology                                         Lowest   
MSExchange EdgeSync\SyncNow                                          Lowest   
MSExchange TransportService\TransportService                         Lowest   
MSExchange Web Services\Core                                         Lowest   
MSExchange IMAP4\General                                             Lowest   
MSExchange Messaging Policies\Journaling                             Lowest   
MSExchange Messaging Policies\AttachFilter                           Lowest   
MSExchange Messaging Policies\AddressRewrite                         Lowest   
MSExchange Messaging Policies\Rules                                  Lowest   
MSExchange Messaging Policies\Prelicensing                           Lowest   
MSExchange Anti-spam Update\HygieneUpdate                            Lowest   
MSExchange Management Application\Shell                              Lowest   
MSExchange Management Application\Console                            Lowest   
MSExchange OWA\FormsRegistry                                         Lowest   
MSExchange OWA\Core                                                  Lowest   
MSExchange OWA\Configuration                                         Lowest   
MSExchange OWA\Themes                                                Lowest   
MSExchange OWA\SmallIcons                                            Lowest   
MSExchange OWA\Proxy                                                 Lowest   
MSExchange OWA\Transcoding                                           Lowest   
MSExchange OWA\ADNotifications                                       Lowest   
MSExchange POP3\General                                              Lowest   
MSExchange Process Manager\ProcessManager                            Lowest   
MSExchange Repl\Service                                              Lowest   
MSExchange Repl\Exchange VSS Writer                                  Lowest   
MSExchange Search Indexer\General                                    Lowest   
MSExchange Search Indexer\Configuration                              Lowest   
MSExchange Store Driver\General                                      Lowest   
MSExchange System Attendant Mailbox\General                          Lowest   
MSExchange Topology\Topology Discovery                               Lowest   
MSExchange ADAccess\General                                          Lowest   
MSExchange ADAccess\Cache                                            Lowest   
MSExchange ADAccess\Topology                                         Low      
MSExchange ADAccess\Configuration                                    Lowest   
MSExchange ADAccess\LDAP                                             Lowest   
MSExchange ADAccess\Validation                                       Low      
MSExchange ADAccess\Recipient Update Service                         Lowest   
MSExchange ADAccess\Site Update                                      Lowest   
MSExchangeAL\Ldap Operations                                         Lowest   
MSExchangeAL\Service Control                                         Lowest   
MSExchangeAL\Attribute Mapping                                       Lowest   
MSExchangeAL\Account Management                                      Lowest   
MSExchangeAL\Address List Synchronization                            Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Transport General                          Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\General                                    Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Transport Sending                          Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Transport Delivering                       Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Transfer Into Gateway                      Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Transfer Out Of Gateway                    Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\MTA Connections                            Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Logons                                     Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Access Control                             Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Send On Behalf Of                          Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Send As                                    Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Rules                                      Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Storage Limits                             Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Background Cleanup                         Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\DS Synchronization                         Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Views                                      Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Download                                   Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Local Replication                          Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Folder Access                              Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Message Access                             Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Extended Send As                           Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Extended Send On Behalf Of                 Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Transport General                           Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\General                                     Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication DS Updates                      Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication Incoming Messages               Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication Outgoing Messages               Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication NDRs                            Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Transport Sending                           Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Transport Delivering                        Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\MTA Connections                             Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Logons                                      Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Access Control                              Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Send On Behalf Of                           Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Send As                                     Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Rules                                       Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Storage Limits                              Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication Site Folders                    Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication Expiry                          Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication Conflicts                       Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication Backfill                        Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Background Cleanup                          Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication Errors                          Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\DS Synchronization                          Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Views                                       Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication General                         Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Download                                    Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Local Replication                           Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Recovery                                    Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\General                                     Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Connections                                 Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Table Cache                                 Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Content Engine                              Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Performance Monitor                         Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Move Mailbox                                Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Download                                    Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Virus Scanning                              Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Exchange Writer                             Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Backup Restore                              Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Client Monitoring                           Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Event History                               Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Database Storage Engine                     Lowest   
MSExchangeMailboxAssistants\Service                                  Lowest   
MSExchangeMailboxAssistants\OOF Assistant                            Lowest   
MSExchangeMailboxAssistants\OOF Library                              Lowest   
MSExchangeMailboxAssistants\Resource Booking Attendant               Lowest   
MSExchangeMailboxAssistants\Email_Lifecycle_Assistant                Lowest   
MSExchangeMailSubmission\General                                     Lowest   
MSExchangeMU\General                                                 Lowest   
MSExchangeSA\Clean Mailbox                                           Lowest   
MSExchangeSA\NSPI Proxy                                              Lowest   
MSExchangeSA\RFR Interface                                           Lowest   
MSExchangeSA\OAL Generator                                           Lowest   
MSExchangeSA\Proxy Generation                                        Lowest   
MSExchangeSA\RPC Calls                                               Lowest   
MSExchangeSA\RPC-HTTP Management                                     Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\SmtpReceive                                      Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\SmtpSend                                         Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\DSN                                              Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Routing                                          Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Logging                                          Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Components                                       Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\RemoteDelivery                                   Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Pickup                                           Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Categorizer                                      Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\PoisonMessage                                    Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\MessageSecurity                                  Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\TransportService                                 Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Exch50                                           Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Process                                          Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\ResourceManager                                  Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Configuration                                    Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Storage                                          Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Agents                                           Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Transport Address Book                           Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Orar                                             Lowest   
MSExchangeFDS\General                                                Lowest   
MSExchangeFDS\FileReplication                                        Lowest

So as you can see we can go into some fairly fine detail as to what exactly we want to increase or decrease.
To change the logging level of say MSExchangeSA\OAL Generation we would type the following into the EWA
Set-EventLogLevel –Identity “MSExchangeSA\OAL Generation” –Level <Lowest,Low,Medium,High,Expert>
If you want to do a bulk change to say of of the Information Store events then here is what you need to type into EMS
Get-EventLogLevel –Identity “MSExchangeIS\*” | Set-EventLogLevel –Level High
We can see the results of tis command below
Identity                                                             EventLevel
--------                                                             ----------
MSExchange ActiveSync\Requests                                       Lowest   
MSExchange ActiveSync\Configuration                                  Lowest   
MSExchange Antispam\General                                          Lowest   
MSExchange Assistants\Assistants                                     Lowest   
MSExchange Autodiscover\Core                                         Lowest   
MSExchange Autodiscover\Web                                          Lowest   
MSExchange Autodiscover\Provider                                     Lowest   
MSExchange Availability\Availability Service                         Lowest   
MSExchange Availability\Availability Service General                 Lowest   
MSExchange Availability\Availability Service Authentication          Lowest   
MSExchange Availability\Availability Service Authorization           Lowest   
MSExchange Cluster\Move                                              Lowest   
MSExchange Cluster\Upgrade                                           Lowest   
MSExchange Cluster\Action                                            Lowest   
MSExchange Common\General                                            Lowest   
MSExchange Common\Configuration                                      Lowest   
MSExchange Common\Logging                                            Lowest   
MSExchange Extensibility\Transport Address Book                      Lowest   
MSExchange Extensibility\MExRuntime                                  Lowest   
MSExchange EdgeSync\Synchronization                                  Lowest   
MSExchange EdgeSync\Topology                                         Lowest   
MSExchange EdgeSync\SyncNow                                          Lowest   
MSExchange TransportService\TransportService                         Lowest   
MSExchange Web Services\Core                                         Lowest   
MSExchange IMAP4\General                                             Lowest   
MSExchange Messaging Policies\Journaling                             Lowest   
MSExchange Messaging Policies\AttachFilter                           Lowest   
MSExchange Messaging Policies\AddressRewrite                         Lowest   
MSExchange Messaging Policies\Rules                                  Lowest   
MSExchange Messaging Policies\Prelicensing                           Lowest   
MSExchange Anti-spam Update\HygieneUpdate                            Lowest   
MSExchange Management Application\Shell                              Lowest   
MSExchange Management Application\Console                            Lowest   
MSExchange OWA\FormsRegistry                                         Lowest   
MSExchange OWA\Core                                                  Lowest   
MSExchange OWA\Configuration                                         Lowest   
MSExchange OWA\Themes                                                Lowest   
MSExchange OWA\SmallIcons                                            Lowest   
MSExchange OWA\Proxy                                                 Lowest   
MSExchange OWA\Transcoding                                           Lowest   
MSExchange OWA\ADNotifications                                       Lowest   
MSExchange POP3\General                                              Lowest   
MSExchange Process Manager\ProcessManager                            Lowest   
MSExchange Repl\Service                                              Lowest   
MSExchange Repl\Exchange VSS Writer                                  Lowest   
MSExchange Search Indexer\General                                    Lowest   
MSExchange Search Indexer\Configuration                              Lowest   
MSExchange Store Driver\General                                      Lowest   
MSExchange System Attendant Mailbox\General                          Lowest   
MSExchange Topology\Topology Discovery                               Lowest   
MSExchange ADAccess\General                                          Lowest   
MSExchange ADAccess\Cache                                            Lowest   
MSExchange ADAccess\Topology                                         Low      
MSExchange ADAccess\Configuration                                    Lowest   
MSExchange ADAccess\LDAP                                             Lowest   
MSExchange ADAccess\Validation                                       Low      
MSExchange ADAccess\Recipient Update Service                         Lowest   
MSExchange ADAccess\Site Update                                      Lowest   
MSExchangeAL\Ldap Operations                                         Lowest   
MSExchangeAL\Service Control                                         Lowest   
MSExchangeAL\Attribute Mapping                                       Lowest   
MSExchangeAL\Account Management                                      Lowest   
MSExchangeAL\Address List Synchronization                            Lowest   
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Transport General                          High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\General                                    High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Transport Sending                          High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Transport Delivering                       High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Transfer Into Gateway                      High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Transfer Out Of Gateway                    High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\MTA Connections                            High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Logons                                     High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Access Control                             High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Send On Behalf Of                          High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Send As                                    High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Rules                                      High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Storage Limits                             High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Background Cleanup                         High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\DS Synchronization                         High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Views                                      High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Download                                   High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Local Replication                          High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Folder Access                              High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Message Access                             High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Extended Send As                           High     
MSExchangeIS\9000 Private\Extended Send On Behalf Of                 High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Transport General                           High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\General                                     High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication DS Updates                      High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication Incoming Messages               High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication Outgoing Messages               High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication NDRs                            High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Transport Sending                           High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Transport Delivering                        High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\MTA Connections                             High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Logons                                      High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Access Control                              High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Send On Behalf Of                           High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Send As                                     High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Rules                                       High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Storage Limits                              High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication Site Folders                    High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication Expiry                          High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication Conflicts                       High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication Backfill                        High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Background Cleanup                          High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication Errors                          High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\DS Synchronization                          High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Views                                       High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Replication General                         High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Download                                    High     
MSExchangeIS\9001 Public\Local Replication                           High     
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Recovery                                    High     
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\General                                     High     
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Connections                                 High     
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Table Cache                                 High     
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Content Engine                              High     
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Performance Monitor                         High     
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Move Mailbox                                High     
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Download                                    High     
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Virus Scanning                              High     
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Exchange Writer                             High     
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Backup Restore                              High     
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Client Monitoring                           High     
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Event History                               High     
MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Database Storage Engine                     High     
MSExchangeMailboxAssistants\Service                                  Lowest   
MSExchangeMailboxAssistants\OOF Assistant                            Lowest   
MSExchangeMailboxAssistants\OOF Library                              Lowest   
MSExchangeMailboxAssistants\Resource Booking Attendant               Lowest   
MSExchangeMailboxAssistants\Email_Lifecycle_Assistant                Lowest   
MSExchangeMailSubmission\General                                     Lowest   
MSExchangeMU\General                                                 Lowest   
MSExchangeSA\Clean Mailbox                                           Lowest   
MSExchangeSA\NSPI Proxy                                              Lowest   
MSExchangeSA\RFR Interface                                           Lowest   
MSExchangeSA\OAL Generator                                           Lowest   
MSExchangeSA\Proxy Generation                                        Lowest   
MSExchangeSA\RPC Calls                                               Lowest   
MSExchangeSA\RPC-HTTP Management                                     Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\SmtpReceive                                      Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\SmtpSend                                         Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\DSN                                              Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Routing                                          Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Logging                                          Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Components                                       Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\RemoteDelivery                                   Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Pickup                                           Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Categorizer                                      Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\PoisonMessage                                    Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\MessageSecurity                                  Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\TransportService                                 Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Exch50                                           Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Process                                          Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\ResourceManager                                  Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Configuration                                    Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Storage                                          Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Agents                                           Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Transport Address Book                           Lowest   
MSExchangeTransport\Orar                                             Lowest   
MSExchangeFDS\General                                                Lowest   
MSExchangeFDS\FileReplication                                        Lowest

Friday, September 25, 2009

Certificates in Exchange Pt. 2

In the last article I spoke about how to generate and apply a 3rd party certificate to you Exchange server.
This time I will be talking about how get get around some of the more common issues that I have seen with certificates and Exchange 2007, I’ll do this as a bit of an FAQ as it is easier for me to organise it that way.
Q: When Outlook 2007 start I get a certificate mismatch error
A: The cause of this is that the AutoDiscover URL is pointing to an address that does not match the certificate that you have on your CAS server.
The solution for this is fairly simple.
First you need to create a new forward lookup zone in DNS for the domain name on the certificate (this is usually the external address),eg,
You then need to create an A record for the coomman name on the certificate, eg mail if your certificate name is and point it to the internal IP of your CAS server.
After that in powershell on the CAS server type the following
Set-ClientAccessServer -Identity <ClientAccessServerIdParameter> -AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri
There may be other entries that need to be added to this new ForwareLookup Zone in DNS as well, specifically if your company web site resolves externally you will need to add an A record for www and the external address.
Q: My Certificate has expired, how do I renew it?
A: Basically you need to create a new request and get a new certificate. If it is the self-signed one then you can do the following in the EMS
Copy the thumbprint of the self signed certificate that has expired or is about to expire. Then type the following
Get-ExchangeCertificate -thumbprint "<insert thumbprint>" | New-ExchangeCertificate
Q: My phone is giving me a certificate error when I try to connect through ActiveSync
A:Have a look at the previous post , here,I made and see if the certificate is in the root store by default. If its not then have a read of this articles as they describe in detail how to export the certificate on the server and then import it on the phone. and here
Q: I use a wild card certificate and Outlook Anywhere is giving me certificate errors
A: OK What you need to do is to set the Only connect to proxy servers taht have this pricipal name in their certificate to msstd:* You will need to use the Exchange mangement shell cmdlet Set-OutlookProvider to configure these global settings for the AutoDiscover service.
The code for this is
Get-OulookProvider EXPR | Set-OulookProvider -CertPrincipalName msstd:*
Get-OulookProvider WEB | Set-OulookProvider -CertPrincipalName msstd:*

Certificates in Exchange 2007 Pt 1.

There are many uses for certificates in Exchange 2007 and many ways that they will make you want to pull all of your hair out and run screaming to your mother. OK that might be a little melodramatic but they can be a source of frustration.
I am going to start with generating a certificate from a 3rd party CA, like Thawte or VeriSign or who ever you choose to provide your certificates. You don’t need to use an external CA, but for now I will stay with the external CA and cover internal CA’s and the relevant PKI infrastructure later.
Why do I need a 3rd party certificate for my Exchange server?
Well the short answer is that you don’t actually need one. When you install Exchange 2007 the installation process creates a selfsigned certificate that is associated with all of the Exchange Web Services (EWS) so that services like OWA, TLS, Secure POP and IMAP all can be used. The issue with using this self signed certificate is that the computer connecting to your Exchange server needs to have this certificate as a trusted root certificate. If not, services like OWA will display an error in Internet Explorer when you connect. Looking a little something like this

The next issue is with mobile devices that try to connect through ActiveSync. Some of these devices will allow you to connect after an initial certificate error, the iPhone I know will do this. Windows Mobile devices are a little more picky about certificates and would require that this certificate be exported and then imported into their Trusted Root Certificate Store on the device. Now as much fun as going to every user and installing a certificate on their mobile device I find that a 3rd party certificate will save you a significant amount of time and frustration. If you do need to go down this path for what ever reason then this MS support article may assist you in your endeavours ( and here (
Before deciding on the CA that you will use for your server please think about what services will be used.
If it will purely be for OWA you will probably be able to get away with using a certificate for some of the newer and possibly cheaper CA’s.
If you are planning on letting your users connect using ActiveSync through a Windows Mobile device then have a look at the existing root CA’s that are in each versions of Windows Mobiles Root Certificate Store here

Windows Mobile 5.0
Windows Mobile 6
Class 2 Public Primary Certificate Authority(VeriSign, Inc.)
Class 3 Public Primary Certificate Authority(VeriSign, Inc.)
X Certificate Authority (2048)
X Secure Server Certificate Authority
Equifax Secure Certificate Authority
GlobalSign Root CA
GTE CyberTrust Global Root
GTE CyberTrust Root
Secure Server Certificate Authority (RSA)
Thawte Premium Server CA
Thawte Server CA
X, (used by
Starfield Class 2 Certificate Authority

Go Daddy Class 2 Certificate Authority

GeoTrust Global CA

Baltimore CyberTrust Root

AddTrust External CA Root

AAA Certificate Services

*Windows Mobile 5.0 with Messaging and Security Feature Pack (MSFP).
I pulled this table form a Microsoft white paper you can find here. There is a lot of information on certificate use on Windows Mobile 5 and 6 when connecting to either Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2007.
So once you have made the decision on which CA you will get you certificate from how do you generate a request. There are 2 way’s. Before going any further it is key to note that the Client Access Server role is the one that take care of all web services and as such should be the server that the requests are done from and installed on, unless you have ISA and plan on publishing Exchange’s web services through that. In which case the certificate should be installed on the ISA server.

In IIS, see below for details on how to do this in Windows 2003 and 2008

1) Open IIS Manager
2) Create a new web site
3) Click Next
4) Give the new site a meaningful name then click next
5) Assign a non-used port to the address
6) Select a path for the new site – it is not important where this points to as no data will be stored or written to this directory
7) Click Next
8) Click Finish
9) Right click on the newly created web site
10) Click Directory Security tab
11) Click Server Certificate
12) The new Certificate Wizard will start
13) Click Create New Certificate Request
14) Click Next
15) Click Create a new certificate. Click Next
16) Click Prepare the request now, but send later
17) Click Next

18) Fill in the relevant details and click next
19) Type in the name that will appear on the certificate
20) Fill in correct location information
21) Save the text file in a place that you can find it.
22) Open the text file and copy all contents.
23) Submit this information to your chosen CA
Once you have the response from your CA follow these instructions
1) Right click on the web site that was created to generate the certificate request.
2) Click Properties
3) Click Directory Security tab
4) Click Server Certificate
5) Click Process the pending request and install the certificate
6) Find the file supplied by the CA
7) Complete the wizard
8) Right click on the default web site (or which ever web site the EWS live in)
9) Click Directory Security tab
10) Click Server Certificates
11) Click Next at the Wizard splash screen
12) Click Replace Current Certificate, click next
13) Select the certificate that you want to use, click next
14) Click next to confirm then finish to complete the wizard
Type in the Powershell commands found in step 6-9 in the Windows 2008 instructions below.

In Windows 2008
1) Open IIS Manager
2) Double Click on Server Certificates located by clicking on the server name in IIS
3)Click Create Certificate Request
4) Fill in all relevant details that are needed on the certificate
5) Leave the default options and click next
6) Specify a location for the certificate request to be saved

Once you have the response from your CA follow these instructions
1) Open IIS manager again and navigate to Server Certificates
2) Click Complete Certificate request
3) Browse to the file supplied by your chosen CA
4) Give the certificate a meaningful name
5) Click Next
6) Open Exchange Management Shell
7) Type the following
8) Copy and paste the thumbprint from the certificate that you wish to use
9) Type in the following
Enable-ExchangeCertificate –Thumbprint <insert thumbprint here> –Services SMTP,POP,IIS,IMAP
Accept any prompts about replacing certificates for services.
Creating the certificate request using Exchange and Powershell.
1) Type the following

New-ExchangeCertificate -DomainName, -FriendlyName ExchangeCertificate -GenerateRequest:$True -Keysize 1024 -path c:\certreq.txt -privatekeyExportable:$true -subjectName "c=au, o=Exchange Labs," -IncludeAutoDiscover

Now you may notice something a little different in the shell command above. I have included multiple domain names. These are commanly known as Subject Alternate Names or SAN. They are used to have the same certificate for different domain names. You can have as many as you like on your certificate but be aware that your CA may charge more for SAN certificates and for the number of domain names listed on the certificate.
2) Once you get your file back from your CA type the following in to the EMS

Import-ExchangeCertificate -Path c:\certificates\newcert.cer | Enable-ExchangeCertificate -Services SMTP,IIS,POP,IMAP

Well that that’s it for part one.
Part 2 will be how to troubleshoot some common issues with certificates and some tricks around AutoDiscover.